Check .PK Domain Availability

Get pk domain registration from MAR Technologies one of the top gold partners of PKNIC

Note: PKNIC is not offering 3 character domain names with “.pk”. Although names will appear as available they cannot be registered.

If above is not responding please check domain availability at pknic website

Let us help you grow a thriving business

Earn recurring revenue by offering to host to your customers

MAR Technologies is proud to offer .pk domain registration as an authorized company from PKNIC. You can register .pk domain for Rs. 2000/2yrs. We can assist you all the way in PKNIC domain registration; .pk domains are activated as soon as you register. Click here to register a .com domain

.pk domains can be registered under our management or If you are familiar with domain registration process you can do it yourself using PKNIC Prepaid cards. If you are registering multiple .PK domains, you can avail discounts on PKNIC registration cards. You can buy prepaid card from through bank despite, cash, money order, easy paisa and credit card or by Paypal.

MAR Technologies can also assist you in transferring your .pk domainto your name at no cost.

If above is not responding please check domain availability at pknic website


Your domain name is at 2nd level after pk. These are the General Second Level Domains without suffix of,, etc

3RD LEVEL .PK DOMAIN is a third level domain.

The following domains are available for as 3rd level .pk domains.

.COM.PKIndividual or General Business. This is the most common .pk domain and almost every thing goes here.
.NET.PKIntended to be used for network related business just like .net gtld
.ORG.PKFor Non-profit Organizations, just like .org
.FAM.PKFor family and individuals, we have not seen any live example of this extension so far.
.BIZ.PKFor general business and promotions campaigns that are run temporarily
.WEB.PKFor website not related to any business
.EDU.PKEducational Institutes, and this should be a working educational institute.


.GOV.PK Pknic registers domain free of charge and only government entity can register following domains.
GOB.PK Reserved for provincial Government of Baluchistan
.GOG.PK Reserved for provincial Government of Gilgit Baltistan
.GKP.PK Reserved for provincial Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
.GOP.PK Reserved for provincial Government of Punjab
.GOS.PK Reserved for provincial Government of Sindh
.GOK.PK Reserved for Government of Azad Kashmir